snowsat ToDo

With SNOWsat ToDo you can centrally plan, control and handle all tasks that arise in the ski area. Each department - from ski patrol to the grooming team to snowmaking - can create tasks via the application and assign them to other employees, specific vehicles or locations. As a result, communication is faster, more streamlined and error-free. Area managers can schedule tasks in advance and assign them to a shift. This significantly reduces the need for coordination and documentation, leaving you more time for operations. Discover SNOWsat ToDo and increase your efficiency!
SNOWsat ToDo facilitates cross-departmental communication and provides transparency and an overview of pending tasks for all parties involved
With SNOWsat ToDo, communication is fast and direct. Tasks are displayed on the PC as well as in the snow groomer and can thus be processed quickly
Add additional information to a task and assign it to a specific employee or vehicle. In this way, no information is lost

“The time-consuming documentation and coordination that used to take place in the form of protocols is now completely digitalized thanks to SNOWsat ToDo. As a result, communication is fast, efficient and error-free.

With SNOWsat ToDo you can create, assign and process tasks centrally.
Slope and grooming managers, snowmakers and other designees can enter tasks on the PC or in the vehicle display, provide locations and comments and assign them to specific operators or machines.
The operator sees assigned tasks via SNOWsat display exactly at the place where something has to be done
Via personal login, each employee sees which tasks are assigned to him
Time-consuming documentation tasks are eliminated during shift handovers
With SNOWsat ToDo, slope and operator managers can quickly and easily define tasks for entire slopes or slope sections.
With SNOWsat ToDo, the slope manager can select slopes or slope sections to be groomed on the computer and mark them for processing. This also works via the vehicle terminal while on the mountain - directly from the slope. The selected areas are displayed to the driver on the map in the vehicle system. This allows him to see at a glance which slope sections have tasks to be performed. A legend shows what needs to be done - for example, work with the snow tiller or winch. The improved overview of tasks to be performed provides planning reliability and helps to avoid extra trips.
With SNOWsat ToDo you can track at any time and any place which tasks have been completed and when. This facilitates planning for upcoming shifts and gives you an easy overview of the situation.

Daily slope preparation, but also recurring events, such as World Cups, can be easily prepared with SNOWsat ToDo's scenario planning.
The scenario planning in SNOWsat ToDo allows you to combine previously created tasks into a scenario and save it. The scenario can be recalled at any time. For annual events, for example, you can access your individually created task set in seconds and adjust or add ToDos. The predefined to-dos also save you a lot of time in your daily work and provide guidance, especially for new employees.
By working with scenarios, you not only save a lot of time in daily shift planning, but also in the preparation of large events.
SNOWsat ToDo provides you with an overview of all pending tasks for upcoming projects. Similar to a checklist, you can see exactly which ToDos are due. For each task you can create additional information or local references and share them with your employees.
With the help of SNOWsat ToDo, new team members can also prepare in advance for upcoming events. Scenario planning gives them an overview of all upcoming tasks.
With SNOWsat ToDo you can note open tasks and assign them to specific operators or vehicles. They are then displayed directly on the map in the vehicle display and can thus be quickly processed and marked as "completed". See here how SNOWsat ToDo works!
Take cross-departmental communication in your ski area to the next level by linking slope ToDos and workshop ToDos!
By combining SNOWsat ToDo and SNOWsat Maintain, workshop and slope are even more closely linked and the transparency of communication is increased even further. Everyone in the team benefits from the integration of the two solutions: For example, the driver can create an asset-related ToDo from the road and assign it to an employee in the workshop. Conversely, a task can be created for a specific driver or slope section from the workshop.
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