
snowsat trainings
in the Pro academy
Coordinated solutions: With the digital tools of SNOWsat in combination with our PistenBully, all associated services and the diverse range of training cours es offered by PRO ACADEMY, you can safely and successfully lead your ski area into the future.
Efficient slope and snow management is becoming ever more critic al for operating a ski area successfully. Take advantage of our SNOWsat training courses, which enable you to get the most out of the various solutions.
The result: Your team works significantly more efficiently and cost-effectively. You benefit from saving time and conserving resources. This is good for the environment and ensures long-term profitability.
Wide variety of training courses and consulting customized to your needs
Online and on-site training courses – Flexible, effective and tailored precisely to you
Various training courses for every member of your team – whether operator, operations manager, slope manager or snowmaker.