
Preparing perfect pistes, managing fleets efficiently

How SNOWsat Suite, the new management application, makes work in ski resorts easier and more efficient

SNOWsat Suite is the new browser application for efficient fleet, snow and servicing management by Kässbohrer Geländefahrzeug AG. 

This product solution is the successor to the established office application known as SNOWsat Web. It is based on the latest technology standards and comes with some improvements and new individual features that now enable managing directors, operations managers and employees to work more efficiently for slope grooming, snowmaking and maintenance.

Improvements very well received 
The newly developed product was most recently presented at Mountain Planet in France and at Kässbohrer Geländefahrzeug AG's popular customer event, the "AfterWorkParty", in May of this year. The improvements help ski resort managers to work more easily, more efficiently, with more convenience and more professionally. "For our customers, the most important thing is to ensure economical and efficient operation. They ought to have the right tool for this and enjoy using it," says Christian Mönig, Business Development Manager for SNOWsat. "This is why our developers have placed great value on making this even more intuitive and convenient to use and why they have integrated useful improvements and new functions. The newly developed product has been enriched by numerous suggestions and requests from our customers and employees. Accordingly, they are being very well received."

Solution for the challenges of ski resorts 
Opening slopes on time and keeping them open as long as possible, creating optimum slope conditions, working efficiently, making use of personnel and machines as efficiently and profitably as possible, becoming more sustainable. These are the central challenges of every ski resort today and in the foreseeable future. To master these challenges, the management of all these tasks must also be as easy and convenient as possible.

Manage more easily and more efficiently 
SNOWsat Suite is optimized for all data evaluation and reporting purposes, the application's performance has been improved, and since it uses the latest technology, the solution fulfills the highest security standards.

SNOWsat Suite to go: Ready to use now on any device           
Another new feature: The software is cloud-based, so it can be used anywhere and on any device, whether smartphone, tablet, desktop computer or laptop. This means it is also suitable for mobile use. Even when on the go, users can view all available information, make important decisions and take action. As a result, this solution is also of interest to additional users, such as snowmaking teams.

Intuitive to use, the most important information always in view 
SNOWsat Suite has a fresh, optimized user interface that makes it intuitive to use, and customizable views make the work easier and ensure that every user has all of the most important information in view.

Make better decisions faster 
The use of a higher-performance and more flexible database improves the options for data analysis. The new reporting solution is a great support tool for this. Data can be evaluated in a straightforward manner and the process can be partially automated. That saves time and helps resort managers to make data-driven decisions faster.

Focus on perfect pistes and fleet efficiency 
The SNOWsat Suite homepage, called the summary, shows the slope grooming progress made during the last shift and the current snow depth map. It also provides a general overview of the operating states of the vehicles and equipment as well as of the completed and remaining tasks.

Keep the supervisor and teams up to date 
For reporting SNOWsat data, there are now very easy, flexible options for combining and customizing evaluations in diagrams, graphics and tables – without the need to use Excel or similar programs. In addition, you can schedule reports: have them sent automatically and as planned via email at specified times and in the desired document type, for example, to corporate management, to team members or to yourself for documentation purposes. The evaluations can also be shared with team members in SNOWsat Suite and released for viewing or joint editing. This makes the collaboration even more productive.

Enable forward-looking planning
A new feature in the area of snow depth measurement is the snow depth history. This enables the user to see an overview of how the snow depth or snow volume has developed over the season or across seasons. Based on this, the user can make decisions regarding technical snowmaking (Does machine-made snow have to be produced? If so, how much?). At the same time, it is possible to gain valuable insights, such as how the snow depths have developed in the past under various weather conditions and how they are likely to develop in the future.

Users each see only what is important to them 
Another substantial improvement: User-defined settings and views can be saved in the user profile. In other words, it is really easy to configure customized views for each employee. For example, while the operator supervisor is interested in the grooming status of the slopes and the snow depth map on the overview page, the workshop supervisor can have the operating states and the task status displayed.

Less effort and lower expenses, more service 
Last but not least, due to the fact that the new solution is cloud-based, customers are now spared the otherwise required effort and expenses for setting up their own server, doing their own maintenance and hiring IT specialists. The entire operation of the cloud is handled by the manufacturer. Additionally, this improves the ease of maintenance and the service response times.

SNOWsat Suite has been available since April 2024 and is already being used by numerous customers. According to Mönig, users will have no trouble adjusting and making the switch in a very short time because the familiar method of operation has been retained.

Learn more

The new user interface of SNOWsat Suite is more intuitive and allows customized configuration for every user.

Slope management when en route or directly from the slope: The cloud-based management app SNOWsat Suite can now be used even on mobile devices.